Upcoming events

WWOLF with Central Oregon Locavore

WWOLF with Central Oregon Locavore

Willing Workers on Local Farms (WWOLF) is a community program of Central Oregon Locavore with the goal of lending a hand to local farmers and ranchers while educating participants about the true nature of local food. WWOLF gathers 'packs' of volunteers to spend a day working on chores and various projects, giving farmers a boost! Join us!

On Saturday, May 25, we will be at Well Rooted Produce in Tumalo. The Well Rooted crew is excited for our help in transplanting pumpkins out into the growing field. Other tasks will be available, too, based on participants age and ability.

SIGN UP HERE: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/kvwe4ae/lp/72ff3d6a-6335-4b6b-a6f7-08f02e721008

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At Well Rooted Produce, we believe the five core tenets to a happy and healthy life are family, friends, food, flowers, and fun!

Join us during our growing season (May-October) to celebrate our community, learn about sustainable growing practices, and cultivate new skills.

Stay tuned for more events to be posted throughout the year!